What we’re doing…
For the first five: Having a canine companion is necessary, I recommend the Perky Pug or the Lucky Quilen cub, because I know for a fact that these work. The list of other pets that may work can be found here: http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=6823#comments
The other achievements are fairly easy, but if you sign up as a tank, you must know how to mimic at Feng.
For Show me your moves:
If you haven’t tried this before, ever, watching this is mandatory, and recommended for everyone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMS-4TqPLC8
Both tanks must have the correct macro ready (/click ExtraActionButton1 and targeting).
We will have a custom addon tracking, if we have succesfully completed the requirements, since RaidAchiever does not track it. It has been tested already, works like a charm.
Feasts, repairbots will be provided, other consumables will not be necessary, but I’d prefer that you bring some.
Approvals will be based on movement-related achievements (Ready for Raiding, etc), if there are many signups.
We will use the openraid vent to ease communication, but be aware, that I likely won’t to talk due to an injury.